STEM Activity: DIY Balloon Rocket Car

Welcome to the exciting world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)! In this activity, you and your child will have a blast building a balloon rocket car using materials found at home. This hands-on project is not only fun and engaging but also provides a fantastic opportunity to explore principles of physics, engineering, and aerodynamics together.

Materials Needed:

1. Empty plastic water bottle

2. Drinking straws

3. Balloons (regular-sized)

4. Rubber bands

5. Tape (masking tape or duct tape)

6. Scissors

7. Wheels (bottle caps, plastic lids, or CDs)

8. Hot glue gun (optional, for securing the wheels)

9. Marker or pen

10. Table or flat surface for testing the balloon rocket car


1. Prepare the Bottle:

  • Remove the cap from the plastic water bottle and set it aside. This will be used as the body of the balloon rocket car.

2. Create the Wheels:

  • Attach the wheels to the bottom of the water bottle using tape or a hot glue gun. Make sure the wheels are securely fastened and can rotate freely.

3. Design the Car Frame:

  • Cut two drinking straws to the desired length for the axles of the car. These will hold the wheels in place.

  • Use tape to attach the straws to the sides of the water bottle, positioning them parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of the car's movement.

4. Build the Balloon Launcher:

  • Inflate a balloon and then release the air to stretch it out. This will increase the balloon's elasticity and make it more powerful.

  • Cut off the neck of the balloon (the narrow part) and stretch the opening over the mouth of the water bottle. Secure it in place with a rubber band, ensuring a tight seal.

5. Test and Adjust:

  • Place the balloon rocket car on a smooth, flat surface such as a table or floor.

  • Pull back on the balloon to inflate it, then let go to release the air and propel the car forward.

  • Experiment with different amounts of air in the balloon and adjustments to the car's design to optimize performance.

6. Race and Explore:

  • Set up a racecourse or obstacle course and challenge your child to see how far or how fast they can make their balloon rocket car travel.

  • Encourage them to explore the effects of variables such as air pressure, friction, and surface texture on the car's movement.


  • Encourage creativity and experimentation as your child designs and builds their balloon rocket car.

  • Use this activity as an opportunity to discuss scientific concepts such as force, motion, and energy transfer.

  • Have fun racing and testing out different designs with your homemade balloon rocket cars!

Get ready for an exhilarating STEM adventure with your DIY balloon rocket car! Enjoy exploring science together with your child!