Starting Primary School: A Guide for Parents

Embarking on the journey of starting primary school is a significant transition for both your child and your family, particularly if they are your first or youngest. It's natural to experience a mix of emotions, ranging from excitement to worry. While you support your child in embracing this new chapter, remember that starting school is a major milestone, and most children eventually thrive and enjoy their educational journey. To ease this transition, we've compiled some helpful tips for parents.

Promote Independence

Help your child develop essential skills for independence, including interacting with peers, dressing themselves, and caring for their belongings.

Positive Communication

Engage in positive conversations with your child about starting school, addressing any anxious feelings or fears they may express.

Attend Meetings

Participate in pre-and post-school meetings to stay informed. If attendance is not possible, reach out to the school for information.

Guidance for Parents

Develop Independence Skills

Encourage independence by fostering play with other children and teaching self-care skills. Acquaint them with storybooks about starting school from the library.

Establish Routine

Familiarize your child with school day timings in the week leading up to the start. Decide in advance who will accompany them on the first day.

Share Light-hearted Stories

Share your own school memories and light-hearted stories to create a positive and anticipatory atmosphere.

Plan a Post-School Treat

Plan a simple treat for the end of the school day, considering their likely tiredness. A visit to the local park or their favorite dinner can make the day special.

Emotional Support

Positive Conversations

Maintain positive discussions about starting school while acknowledging any anxious feelings. Build your child's confidence by reassuring them that asking to use the toilet is perfectly fine.

Parental Reassurance

If you have concerns, confide in someone trustworthy to ensure your child doesn't sense negative feelings. Remember, feeling a bit jittery is entirely normal.

Encourage Consideration

Encourage thoughtfulness about other children's feelings, emphasizing the importance of taking turns and sharing.

Communication with School

Communicate with the school to understand how reception children are introduced and what to expect on the first day. Share relevant information about your child's needs, medical conditions, likes, and dislikes.

Attend School Meetings

Attend as many pre-and post-school meetings as possible. If attendance is challenging, contact the school for information, ensuring a positive and open communication channel.

Starting primary school is a collaborative effort between parents and children. By implementing these tips, you can contribute to a smoother transition and foster a positive experience for your child.