Sex Education of Children Aged 12-17

For adolescents aged 12-17, sex education should be comprehensive, addressing a broad range of topics related to physical and emotional health, relationships, and responsible decision-making.

  • Puberty and Reproductive Health:

Build on previous discussions about puberty, providing more in-depth information about the physical and emotional changes during adolescence. Discuss the menstrual cycle, ovulation, sperm production, and sexual maturity.

  • Contraception and Safe Sex:

Provide detailed information about various contraceptive methods, their effectiveness, and how to use them correctly. Discuss the importance of protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to reduce the risk of transmission.

  • Understanding Sexual Orientation and Identity:

Explore the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity, emphasizing respect for diversity and acceptance of different sexual orientations and gender identities.

  • Healthy Relationships:

Discuss the qualities of healthy relationships, including communication, trust, mutual respect, and consent. Address the dynamics of both romantic and platonic relationships.

  • Consent and Boundaries:

Deepen the understanding of consent, emphasising the importance of enthusiastic and ongoing agreement in any sexual activity. Discuss setting and respecting personal boundaries.

  • Online Safety and Digital Citizenship:

Discuss responsible online behaviour, including sexting, cyberbullying, and the potential consequences of sharing explicit content. Emphasise the importance of respecting others' privacy online.

  • Communication Skills:

Enhance communication skills, emphasising the importance of expressing needs, desires, and concerns in a respectful and clear manner.

  • Understanding Emotional and Physical Intimacy:

Explore the emotional and physical aspects of intimacy. Discuss the importance of emotional connection and communication in intimate relationships.

  • Self-Care and Emotional Well-Being:

Discuss strategies for emotional well-being and self-care, including stress management, coping with emotions, and seeking support when needed.

  • Media Literacy:

Teach critical thinking skills related to media portrayals of relationships and sexuality. Encourage adolescents to analyse media messages and recognize unrealistic expectations.

  • Pregnancy and Parenthood:

Provide information about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. Discuss the responsibilities and challenges associated with parenting.

  • Sexual Assault and Harassment:

Address issues related to sexual assault and harassment. Teach adolescents about consent, boundaries, and how to recognize and report inappropriate behaviour.

  • Ethics and Respect:

Discuss ethical considerations related to sexuality, including respecting the autonomy and rights of oneself and others.

  • Sexual Decision-Making:

Discuss the importance of making responsible and informed decisions about sexual activity. Encourage open communication with partners and seeking guidance from trusted adults.

  • Reproductive Rights and Health Services:

Provide information about reproductive rights, access to healthcare, and the availability of sexual health services. Discuss the importance of regular check-ups and screenings.

  • Cultural and Religious Perspectives:

Acknowledge and respect diverse cultural and religious perspectives on sexuality. Encourage open dialogue about how different beliefs may influence personal choices.

  • Future Planning:

Discuss future goals, aspirations, and the role of personal relationships in long-term planning. Encourage adolescents to consider their values and priorities.

  • Safe Party Practices:

Discuss the potential risks associated with parties and social gatherings, including substance use and peer pressure. Encourage responsible decision-making and communication in social settings.

  • Consistent Reinforcement:

Reinforce key messages consistently over time, recognizing that adolescents may face new challenges and questions as they continue to develop.

It is essential to create a safe and non-judgmental space for discussions, allowing adolescents to ask questions and share their experiences. These are just some key tips, for further information and guidance, further sources have been included below. 

Book Recommendations: