Putting on a Play Based on a Child’s Favourite Storybook or Cartoon

Encouraging your child to put on a play based on their favourite storybook or cartoon is a fantastic way to ignite their imagination, boost their confidence, and promote creativity. This collaborative and interactive activity allows children to bring their beloved characters to life while developing important skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Below are guidelines to help you assist your child in putting on a play:


1. Select a Story or Theme: Begin by discussing with your child their favourite storybooks or cartoons. Together, choose a story or theme that they are passionate about and would like to reenact as a play. Consider factors such as the number of characters, the complexity of the plot, and the availability of costumes and props.

2. Adapt the Story: Once you've chosen a story or theme, work with your child to adapt it into a script suitable for a play. Simplify the storyline, condense dialogue, and focus on key scenes and characters. Encourage your child to use their imagination and add their own creative twists to the script.

3. Assign Roles: Determine the characters in the play and assign roles to the participants. Let your child choose which character they would like to portray, but also encourage them to be flexible and try different roles if needed. Consider the interests and abilities of each child when assigning roles.

4. Create Costumes and Props: Raid your dress-up box, closets, and craft supplies to create costumes and props for the characters. Encourage your child to get creative and use everyday materials to bring their characters to life. Simple props and costumes can be made from cardboard, fabric scraps, and household items.


1. Read Through the Script: Gather the cast together and do a read-through of the script. Encourage the children to practice their lines and experiment with different character voices and expressions. Use this time to discuss the plot, characters, and key scenes.

2. Block Scenes: Work with the children to block out the scenes and determine the movement and positioning of the characters on stage. Encourage them to use their imagination and creativity to bring the scenes to life.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice: Schedule regular rehearsals to practice the play from start to finish. Focus on memorizing lines, timing, blocking, and character portrayal. Offer constructive feedback and encouragement to the children to help them improve their performance.


1. Set the Stage: Choose a location for the performance, such as your living room, backyard, or a local community center. Set up a simple stage area with a backdrop, if possible, and arrange seating for the audience.

2. Dress Rehearsal: Hold a dress rehearsal before the actual performance to iron out any last-minute issues and ensure that everything runs smoothly. This is also an opportunity for the children to get comfortable performing in front of an audience.

3. Lights, Camera, Action: Finally, it's time for the performance! Encourage the children to give it their all and have fun on stage. Remind them to speak clearly, project their voices, and stay in character throughout the play.

4. Celebrate and Reflect: After the performance, celebrate the children's hard work and accomplishments with applause and praise. Take time to reflect on the experience together, discussing what went well and what they learned from the process.

Benefits of Putting on a Play:

  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem.

  • Enhances communication and public speaking skills.

  • Promotes teamwork and collaboration.

  • Sparks creativity and imagination.

  • Fosters a love for storytelling and drama.

We hope this guide inspires you and your child to embark on an exciting journey of putting on a play together.