Post-Exam Guidance (Ages 12-17)

Receiving GCSE or A-Level results marks a crucial juncture as your child prepares for further education or training. Equipping them with knowledge about available options is vital for making informed choices. Here are some valuable tips and guidance to help steer your child in the right direction:


Open Dialogue

Engage in meaningful conversations with your child. Listen to their interests and guide them towards courses or apprenticeships aligned with their passions.

Explore Higher Education

Familiarize yourself with various forms of higher and further education to offer informed guidance. Encourage your child to consider alternatives if academic study isn't their preference.

Consider Vocational Alternatives

If your child leans towards non-academic paths, explore vocational options offered by local colleges. These can range from hair and beauty to apprenticeships, providing opportunities to earn while learning.

Research University Requirements

For those aspiring to attend university, research specific course and career requirements. Help them explore subject choices based on university websites and admission criteria.

Address Disappointing Results

If GCSE results are not as expected, reassure your child. Many sixth forms admit students with lower grades, offering opportunities to retake core subjects or explore vocational routes with lower entrance requirements.

Explore Local Courses

Investigate available courses and qualifications locally. Pay attention to teaching styles, assessment methods, and course lengths in school, college, and other educational institutions.

Consider Diplomas

A Diploma might be a balanced option, combining classroom learning with hands-on experience. Available in subjects like Environmental and Land-based Studies, Creative and Media, and Business Administration, Diplomas can be equivalent to three and a half A levels.

Consult with Tutors and Advisors

Encourage your child to speak with tutors, teachers, and admission advisors to explore various qualification and subject combinations. Some Diplomas may allow them to include an A level as part of their course.

Seek Career Guidance

For job-related advice, CV and interview preparation, and information about work experience and education options, visit

Post A-Levels

Careful University Consideration

Guide your teen to carefully consider university options. Beyond nightlife, factors like graduate employment rates and course content are crucial. Ensure their degree aligns with their career aspirations.

Explore Financial Assistance

Research bursaries for low-income families and scholarships for academic excellence. Financial concerns should not deter qualified students from pursuing higher education.

Utilize School or College Advisors

Encourage your child to utilize the services of the school or college careers advisor for assistance with university applications and course selection.

Part-Time Work Opportunities

Working part-time provides valuable skills and extra income. Encourage your teen to view it as a way to gain transferable skills like teamwork and customer service without compromising their studies.

Respect Individual Aspirations

Avoid imposing your own values on your child. If university isn't their choice, discuss alternative paths and support their decisions.

Explore Local Courses

Investigate available courses and qualifications locally, considering teaching styles, assessment methods, and course lengths.

Seek Career Guidance

For job-related advice, CV and interview preparation, work experience, and financial support, visit

Navigating the post-exam period requires a collaborative effort between parents and children to ensure informed decisions and successful transitions.