Nurturing Mental Well-being: Practical Guidance for Parents and Carers 

Mental health significantly influences our thoughts, emotions, and responses to daily life. Although discussing mental health can be challenging, engaging in conversations and sharing feelings with our children can have a profound impact.

Accessible Presence

Despite our busy lives, make it known to your child that you are approachable and willing to talk. You don't need extensive time commitments; a simple gesture of openness can make a difference. Keeping it casual and showing interest in their activities creates opportunities for conversations.

Diverse Communication Styles

Children express themselves through various means, including play, music, behavior, body language, and facial expressions. Spending time observing them in these activities offers valuable insights into their emotions and feelings.

Daily Reflection

Dedicate time each day to discuss both the positive and challenging aspects of your day with your child. Conclude the day with a positive note, setting the tone for the next.

Appropriate Language

Tailor your language to the child's age and understanding. Using terms like feeling sad, stressed, or anxious can be more relatable. For younger children, employing face flashcards to depict different emotions can be helpful.

Seeking Assistance

No one has all the answers, and it's okay not to know everything about mental health. Don't hesitate to seek help from family, friends, doctors, or support organizations.

Open-minded Approach

Foster an open-minded atmosphere by refraining from criticism or dismissal of your child's feelings. Acceptance is key to normalizing conversations about mental health.

More information coming soon on this website which will cover mindfulness and breathing techniques you can do at home.