Making Invisible Ink and Drawings at Home

Engaging your child in fun and educational activities like making invisible ink drawings with lemon juice is a fantastic way to spark their creativity and curiosity about science. This simple project will not only provide entertainment but also introduce them to the fascinating properties of acids and bases. Below are guidelines to help you assist your child in creating invisible ink drawings using lemon juice:

Materials Needed:

1. Lemon

2. Bowl

3. Spoon or small whisk

4. Cotton swabs or paintbrushes

5. White paper

6. Heat source (e.g., light bulb, candle flame, iron)

7. Optional: Other acidic or basic liquids (e.g., vinegar, baking soda solution)


1. Prepare the Lemon Juice: Begin by squeezing the lemon to extract its juice into a bowl. You can use a spoon or small whisk to help extract the juice. Ensure you have enough lemon juice to create your drawings.

2. Create Your Drawings: Use cotton swabs or paintbrushes to dip into the lemon juice and draw or write a secret message on the white paper. Encourage your child to be creative and experiment with different designs, messages, or drawings. The lemon juice will be nearly invisible as it dries on the paper.

3. Let the Drawings Dry: Allow the lemon juice drawings to dry completely. As the lemon juice dries, it will become nearly invisible, leaving behind only faint outlines of the drawings.

4. Reveal the Invisible Ink: To reveal the invisible ink drawings, you'll need to apply heat to the paper. This can be done using a light bulb, candle flame, or an iron. Carefully hold the paper near the heat source without letting it touch or catch fire. The heat will cause the lemon juice to oxidize and turn brown, making the drawings visible.

5. Observe and Experiment: Once the invisible ink drawings are revealed, take time to observe and discuss the chemical reactions that occurred. Explain to your child how the lemon juice acts as an acid, and when heated, it reacts with the air to produce visible marks. You can also encourage them to experiment with other acidic or basic liquids to see how they compare.

6. Optional: Explore Variations: Encourage your child to explore variations of the experiment by using different heat sources, types of paper, or additional liquids. They can also try mixing lemon juice with water or other substances to see how it affects the visibility of the ink.

Benefits of Making Invisible Ink Drawings:

  • Introduces children to basic chemistry concepts in a fun and hands-on way.

  • Encourages creativity and artistic expression through drawing and writing.

  • Stimulates curiosity and critical thinking as children observe and analyze the results of the experiment.

  • Provides an opportunity for parent-child bonding through shared exploration and discovery.

We hope this guide inspires you and your child to embark on an exciting adventure of creating invisible ink drawings using lemon juice. 

Happy experimenting!