Ensuring eSafety: A Guide for Parents and Carers

Navigating the internet with your child doesn't require expertise, but being informed is key to fostering a safe and enjoyable online experience.

Communication is Key

Initiate conversations about internet safety early and frequently, making it more manageable than covering everything at once.

Discover Together

Inquire about your child's online activities and encourage them to demonstrate how it works. This exploration enhances your understanding and allows you to provide effective support.

Establish Boundaries

Engage in discussions with your child regarding online usage limits, permissible sites, appropriate information sharing, and the importance of treating others with respect, both online and offline.

Privacy and Reporting

Verify age ratings for games, apps, films, and social networks to ensure suitability for your child. Educate them about the significance of privacy and reporting mechanisms available online.

Parental Controls

Take control using parental controls to filter and restrict content. These controls can be applied through your home broadband or any internet-enabled device; consult your internet service provider for details.

Age-Appropriate Content

Be vigilant about age ratings associated with games, apps, films, and social networks to confirm their appropriateness for your child.

By embracing these eSafety tips, you empower yourself to guide your child through the digital landscape, fostering a secure and positive online environment.