Drawing a Self-Portrait Activity

Welcome to the self-portrait drawing activity! This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to explore creativity while also fostering self-expression and self-awareness. In this activity, your child will have the chance to create a drawing of themselves using paper and various art supplies such as crayons, colored pencils, or even paint.

Materials Needed: 

1. Paper (preferably white drawing paper)

2. Crayons, colored pencils, or paint (whichever you prefer)

3. Optional: Mirror for reference


Set Up:*

  • Find a comfortable and well-lit space where you and your child can sit and draw together.

  • Lay out all the materials on a table or any flat surface.

  • Begin by explaining to your child what a self-portrait is. You can say something like, "A self-portrait is a drawing or painting that an artist makes of themselves."

  • Show them examples of self-portraits by famous artists if possible, but keep it simple and relatable. Artists who are known for self-portraiture include Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh.

Encourage Observation:

   - If you have a mirror available, encourage your child to look at themselves in the mirror. Ask them to observe their facial features, hair, and other details.

   - Guide them to notice shapes, lines, and colors that make up their face and features.

Drawing Time

  • Let your child begin drawing their self-portrait. Encourage them to take their time and enjoy the process.

  • Offer assistance if needed, but try to let them express themselves freely.

Creativity and Expression:

  • Encourage creativity! Your child doesn't have to stick to realistic representations if they don't want to. They can use their imagination to add colors, patterns, or even draw themselves in a different setting or with imaginative elements.

Discussion and Reflection:

  • After they finish their self-portrait, take some time to discuss it together.

  • Ask questions like, "What do you like about your drawing?" or "What was challenging for you?"

  • Encourage them to reflect on their feelings during the process and what they've learned about themselves.

Display and Celebrate:

  • Once the self-portraits are completed, celebrate your child's artwork! You can display it on a wall or refrigerator to admire.

  • Take a photo of their self-portrait to preserve the memory and share it with friends and family if desired.


  • Remember to praise your child's efforts and creativity throughout the activity.

  • Focus on the process rather than the final result. The goal is for your child to enjoy the experience of creating.

  • Encourage experimentation with different art materials and techniques.

Have fun drawing together and creating lasting memories with your child! Enjoy the artistic journey!